Jan 14, 2013

Article: Observations from India's Waste Crisis

After generous contributions from friends online and offline, I finished editing the report "Observations from India's Crisis". The report is now available in two versions.

You can find the report here:

1) On Times of India here (updated March 9, 2013)

I thanks Mrs. Sudha Nambuduri for providing a chance to disseminate this report to a larger audience by publishing an excerpt of it in the English Daily with the largest circulation.

2) On WTERT's Blog here (updated March 9, 2013)

Thanks to Professor Nickolas Themelis and the Global WTERT Council for allowing me to publish the report in the form of a blog post, which will make it more easily searchable on google.

3) On Clean India Journal here (updated Jan 24, 2013)

I thank the Managing Editor Mohana for the interest in the issues covered in the report and for offering to publish it in their latest venture Waste Recycling India magazine too.

4) On Paneuro - Energy & Environment Magazine here
Username: paneuro
Password: z713xdr
Page: 65

I thank the Magazine Editor Paul Patane for featuring my article alongside articles by Danish Minister for Climate, European Commissioners for Climate Control, Energy and Environment, and other brilliant minds.

5) On D-Waste's website here

I thank D-Waste's CEO Antonis Mavropoulos and Maria Tsakona for being the first people to recognize the potential of the report.

6) At BioEnergy Consult's website, published as three articles here

I thank Salman Zafar and Arafat Aden for their encouragement.

The full list of Acknowledgements and Bibliography of the report will be published on www.wtert.org

Thank you all again for your interest and time.
Ranjith Annepu


  1. Sir, the file containing Tables has been removed from from Dropbox. It will be helpful if you can share this file again?

    1. Hello there,

      I updated the link. Thank you for checking and notifying. Let me know if you find any interesting insights while playing with it.

      All the best

  2. Dear Ranjith, is there any way I can contact you.
    Do let me know.
    Below is my company website - www.kam-avida.com

    1. Hello Arati,

      You can write to me at ranjith.annepu@caa.columbia.edu


  3. Hii actually i just want to know how can I get ample information on observation on waste management in mumbai
