1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
2. Solid Waste Management (SWM)
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
2. Solid Waste Management (SWM)
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Waste is defined as any material that is not useful and does
not represent any economic value to its owner, the owner being the waste
generator (10). Depending on the
physical state of waste, wastes are categorized into solid, liquid and gaseous.
Solid Wastes are categorized into municipal wastes, hazardous wastes, medical
wastes and radioactive wastes. Managing solid waste generally involves planning,
financing, construction and operation of facilities for the collection,
transportation, recycling and final disposition of the waste (10). This study focuses
only on the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), as an element of overall municipal
solid waste management or just solid waste management (SWM).
MSW is defined as any waste generated by household, commercial and/or institutional activities and is not hazardous (10). Depending upon the source, MSW is categorized into three types: Residential or household waste which arises from domestic areas from individual houses; commercial wastes and/or institutional wastes which arise from individually larger sources of MSW like hotels, office buildings, schools, etc.; municipal services wastes which arise from area sources like streets, parks, etc. MSW usually contains food wastes, paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, glass, metals, wood, street sweepings, landscape and tree trimmings, general wastes from parks, beaches, and other recreational areas (11). Sometimes other household wastes like batteries and consumer electronics also get mixed up with MSW.
Solid Waste Management (SWM)
A solid waste management (SWM) system includes the
generation of waste, storage, collection, transportation, processing and final
disposal. This study will focus on disposal options for MSW in India.
Agricultural and manufactured products of no more value are
discarded as wastes. Once items are discarded as waste, they need to be
collected. Waste collection in most parts of the world is centralized and all
kinds of waste generated by a household or institution are collected together
as mixed wastes.
Solid waste management (SWM) is a basic public necessity and
this service is provided by respective urban local bodies (ULBs) in India. SWM
starts with the collection of solid wastes and ends with their disposal and/or
beneficial use. Proper SWM requires separate collection of different wastes,
called source separated waste collection. Source separated collection is common
in high income regions of the world like Europe, North America and Japan where
the infrastructure to transport separate waste streams exists. Most centralized
municipal systems in low income countries like India collect solid wastes in a
mixed form because source separate collection systems are non-existent. Source
separated collection of waste is limited by infrastructure, personnel and
public awareness. A significant amount of paper is collected in a source
separated form, but informally. In this report, unmixed waste will be specially
referred to as source separated waste, in all other cases municipal solid waste
(MSW) or solid waste would refer to mixed wastes.
Indian cities are still struggling to achieve the collection
of all MSW generated. Metros and other big cities in India collect between 70-
90% of MSW. Smaller cities and towns collect less than 50% (6).
The benchmark for collection is 100%, which is one of the most important
targets for ULBs at present. This is a reason why source separated collection
is not yet in the radar.
People are at risk of somethings that could be prevented. Is not only communities that dump stuff around but big organisations that should be protecting our lives they destroy them. There must be a legal place were everyone can dump such things. Raleigh NC Biomedical Waste Disposal